
Monday, September 9, 2019

How to create table in Html

  • Create simple table in Html:
          Before create table you need to some information about table creation.

          1. <table>..</table> Tag for create table.
          2. <tr>..</tr> Tag for create table rows.
          3. <th>..</th> Tag for create table header.
          4. <td>..</td> Tag for create table cell.

Step:1 - Create table using <table>..</table> Tag.
In <table>  you can see some properties of table like border,cellspacing,cellpadding.
I will show you what's that exactly.
1. border: In border put the value of table border size (ex: border="3").
2. cellspacing: If you give space between cell than you can use this propertie (ex: cellspacing="5").
3. cellpadding: If you give space between cell text and cell border than you can use this propertie.

Step:2 - Create table row using <tr>..</tr> and create table header using <th>..</th>.

Step:3 - Create table cell or add table data using <td>..</td>.
table example.html:
How to create table in Html


Find odd or even numbers in php

What is even numbers ?
If any number is divide it by 2 or remainder is 0 than this number is even.

What is odd numbers ?
If any number is divide it by 2 or remainder is not equal to 0 than this number is odd.

Step:1 - First declare number variable and it's value.

Step:2 - Check the number is even or odd using if (){} else{}.

Odd or Even.php:
Find odd or even numbers in php


Simple Addition program in php

  • Simple Addition of Two numbers in php

Step:1 - Declare two variables using $ sign.

Step:2 - Create another one variable for store the answer value.

Step:3 - Print addition of two numbers using echo.



Simple Addition program in php


Sunday, September 8, 2019

Create simple php program

Create hello world program in php

Before create program you need to download and install wampserver or any other server.

Steps for create php program:

Step:1 - Open Sublime Text or any other editor(Notepad,Notepad++ etc).

Step:2 - Create program

Step:3 - Save program in wamp folder www directory with .php extension.
              (ex: C:\wamp64\www\helloworld.php)

Step:4 - Open any Browser and type localhost/filename.php


Create simple php program


How to download and install WampServer

How to download and install wampserver for windows.

Steps for download WampServer:

Step:1 - first go to this link  and go to the download section.

How to download and install Wamp Server

Step:2 - After than click on wamp server 64 bit or wamp server 32 bit whatever support your system.
you can also check in your This pc properties.
Step:3 - click on download directly link and download directly.

How to download and install Wamp Server

Steps for Install WampServer:

Step:1 - Open wampserver.exe file and click on Run button.

How to download and install Wamp Server

Step:2 - Select language and click on Ok button.

How to download and install Wamp Server

Step:3 - Read and Select Accept Agreement and click on next button.

How to download and install Wamp Server

Step:4 - Read Information and click on next button.

How to download and install Wamp Server

Step:5 - Click on Browse button and select directory where you want store wampserver in your pc
               after select directory click on Next button.

How to download and install Wamp Server

Step:6 - Click on install button.

How to download and install Wamp Server
Step:7 - Installation time popup new dialog and asked you for choose another browser.If you can
              change browser than click on Yes button or you preferred default browser than click on
              No button.

Step:8 - Same process for select new editor or default editor.

How to download and install Wamp Server

Step:9 - Read information and Click on next button.

How to download and install Wamp Server

Step:10 - Click on Finish button.
How to download and install Wamp Server


Friday, September 6, 2019

how to use css explain with example

What is Css ?

Css Stands for Cascading Style Sheet with the use of design your web page.

There are main three types of Css: 
  1.  Inline Css
  2.  Internal Css
  3.  External Css
1) Inline Css:
       Inline Css it's use in the html tag with use of style attribute.
how to use css explain with example

2)Internal Css:
        Internal css used in html <head> tag using <style>..</style>  and your html tag find
        using Class or id.
        If you use class than called css using (.) and If you used id than called css using #

how to use css explain with example

3)External Css:

       If you use External Css than create .css file and your css file link to the html file using <link>

       In <link> tag link your css file using href attribute or if your css file and html file in same
       directory than you write in href like (href="cssfilename.css")  and your html file and css file is
       not same directory than you write full path of your css file in href like

hello external.css:
how to use css explain with example


Create simple java program | simple java program in notepad

Step:1-First we are create one class helloworld.

class helloworld {
     //program main  herepart !

Step:2-create main method in class helloworld.

public static void main(String[] args) {
        //main method..

  • After create main method write your code in above method.
  • save your file with same name of class name and .java extension.

class helloworld {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.print("Hello World!");


Create simple java program | simple java program in notepad


How to set JDK path | set jdk | set jdk path

  • Before set jdk you need to download JDK.
set jdk path:

Step:1 -  Go to the jdk location where store jdk in your pc and copy jdk location .

How to set JDK path | set jdk  | set jdk path

Step:2 -  After copy jdk path go to control panel -> system.

How to set JDK path | set jdk  | set jdk path

   Step:3 - Click on Advanced System Settings.

How to set JDK path | set jdk  | set jdk path

     Step:4 - In system properties click on Environment Variables.

How to set JDK path | set jdk  | set jdk path

   Step:5 - In System variables double click on path to add jdk path.

How to set JDK path | set jdk  | set jdk path

    Step:6 - After than click on New button.

How to set JDK path | set jdk  | set jdk path

    Step:7 - After than past your jdk path and click on ok button .

How to set JDK path | set jdk  | set jdk path

    Step:8 - Click on ok button in Environment Variables.

How to set JDK path | set jdk  | set jdk path

    Step:9 - In System properties click on Ok button .

How to set JDK path | set jdk  | set jdk path

    Step:10 - Open command prompt or CMD and type javac.

How to set JDK path | set jdk  | set jdk path

    After than type java -version for check the jdk version : 

How to set JDK path | set jdk  | set jdk path

    this steps to set jdk path in your system or pc.

How to create simple Python program.

In this tutorial we will show you how to create simple python program or how to run program using command line.

Create simple python program:

Step:1 - first open sublime text or any other editor for create python program.In this tutorial we can use Sublime Text.

Step:1 - Create simple program to print "Hello World".

How to create simple Python program.

Step:3 - Open command prompt and type your file location using cd command.

How to create simple Python program.

Step:4 - After than type python and hit enter.

How to create simple Python program.

Above this steps to create simple python hello world program.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Create simple program in html

Create simple program in HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language).

Step:1  - first open Notepad or Notepad++.

Step:2 - write html code in <html>..</html> tag.

But ,before write html code we will show you how to write html code for web page.


In above syntax <head>..</head> tag in contain the title of web page and main part of website in <body>..</body> tag.


Step:3 - Save html file using .html extension.

Step:4 - Right click on html file -> go to the properties and copy the file location and file name.

Create simple program in HTML

Step:5 - Past copied location or file name in browser search bar and click on search icon or enter.


Create simple program in HTML



Wednesday, September 4, 2019

what is integer in java?

what is integer ?

Integer :  integer is whole number of positive,Negative and Zero.

example : positive integer numbers = 1,2,3,4,5
                 Negative integer numbers = -1,-2,-3,-4,-5
                 Zero = 0.

How to use integer in java ?

In java we can use at least one class in a program and that class it's contain many methods or Main method.In java we can declare variables in class or in methods if we can declare variable in class than it's a global variable or we can declare in method than it's a local variable.Integer is declare in any type of variable that depends your program.

int name=value;

In above syntax replace value of int is whole integers positive,negative or zero.

Step:1 - Declare int in class or particular method in program.

Here, we can declare int in main method.

here,we can use three int for simple addition of numbers.
assign value of int a,b is 10,10 and In integer c we can store the ans of addition.

Step:2 - Addition of a and b and store ans in c.


Step:3 -  simple print c value using (System.out.println()).

System.out.print("sum of number is:"+c);



what is an integer in java?

so,this way to use integer in java.
