
Monday, September 9, 2019

How to create table in Html

  • Create simple table in Html:
          Before create table you need to some information about table creation.

          1. <table>..</table> Tag for create table.
          2. <tr>..</tr> Tag for create table rows.
          3. <th>..</th> Tag for create table header.
          4. <td>..</td> Tag for create table cell.

Step:1 - Create table using <table>..</table> Tag.
In <table>  you can see some properties of table like border,cellspacing,cellpadding.
I will show you what's that exactly.
1. border: In border put the value of table border size (ex: border="3").
2. cellspacing: If you give space between cell than you can use this propertie (ex: cellspacing="5").
3. cellpadding: If you give space between cell text and cell border than you can use this propertie.

Step:2 - Create table row using <tr>..</tr> and create table header using <th>..</th>.

Step:3 - Create table cell or add table data using <td>..</td>.
table example.html:
How to create table in Html



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